Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I love each season here in N.Y. -for very different reasons. Fall can be hard as the day light dwindles . Each sunny day is precious in that sense. Fall is also a time to save seeds. I have done this for years and it can be amazingly easy (marigold flowers) or awfully hard ( the year I tried saving the seeds from my grandparents pear tree... a nightmare ). Walking around the neighborhood these last few weeks , many plants going to seed have caught my eye. At the High Line on Friday evening I had to restrain myself  from reaching out to collect some! Seeds beckon to me in some life affirming way. Pictured are 2 of my current favorites -the black and very sculptural "La Valle CorkTree" wins my VOTE*  for most exquisite & can be used as a year round decoration once it has dried.  Also shown are  my collection of saved seeds-packaged for gift giving. 
As you walk around , keep an eye out for the many types of seeds and if you feel like some free fun-pick, clean and store them in a cool , dry place. Come spring you can plant them in the ground and begin the cycle of life , plant world style. 
As an artist many of my silkscreens feature plants and leaves and some of my textile designs are inspired by seed pods and patterns... 
* (P.S. Did you VOTE today? I did! )