Monday, January 4, 2010


The New Year came in somewhat quietly here on the 4th floor this year. It was cold as we waited for good old Dick Clark to ring the year in. The bottle of "Pearl Bay" still sits on the dining room table, unopened! Below us a party raged (until 3a.m.!) but otherwise the neighborhood was quiet, still, almost asleep it seemed.
The next day we celebrated with family in their "old" home for one very last occasion before they move on to another home.
Generally speaking, 2009 has been a relatively good year for all of us as a family (3 new homes, a new baby boy,a sudden job offer, relatively good health...) & we are glad to close it out and open up this next new chapter in life. 2009 had its ups and downs. Any year that has more good than bad is a good year these days.