I was very excited to hear 2010 brought with it the census-the ramifications and magnitude of a project like the census fascinates me.
Thus I felt really bad about missing the April 1st deadline for getting my census forms into the mail.
When I started hearing local public radio stories about how low N.Y.'s return numbers were (currently 64%) , what neighborhoods had the lowest rate of returns and which U.S. states had the highest compliance rate (Wisconsin @78%) - I knew I had to make the second deadline:tax day / April 15th.
Ours is indeed in the mail and I included a thank you card-really an apology card for being late-thus the extra stamp on the outside. So glad it is done & so excited to be a part of this historic count. I hope everyone else has done theirs as it is vitally important to getting funding and services at a time when both are so short in supply due to the economy. For more up to date info. on the 2010 census go here. Very fascinating...