Saturday, July 10, 2010

A garden

I have always wanted a garden. My parents had gardens and that translated into fresh sorrel soup in summer, pungent herbs,fragrant Lilly of the valley in early spring and roses all summer long.
My memories of my paternal grandparents garden revolve around the trees they planted-apple, peach,pear and a mulberry tree that might have been "planted" by local birds.
Summers were spent on Long Island and the farm stands there gave life a definite and predictable rhythm: strawberries, then corn, melons ,red and yellow tomatoes,followed by squash, potatoes, brussel sprouts, cabbage and the last green tomatoes.
My own gardening attempts were organic-lots of compost (even in winter-just dig a hole ahead of time and have the dirt in buckets, along with some leaves to layer with and you are ready to build compost through the cold and frozen months.) I also found "Seed Of Change"-back then the only company I could find that sold organic seeds. Now-a-days ,with organic farming in the mainstream, is so much easier to do!
Since I live just outside of a city, urban gardening fascinates me. Community gardens (like the one at 6 and B-one of this city's outstanding gardens-they offer arts programs and gave me the amazing opportunity to teach silkscreen, out of doors one summer! ) involve so many issues but fill such a need . They become backyards for folks who have none and allow people (and most especially children) the chance to grow plants and learn about the seasons in a very basic way.
A story about a unique farm ran called "Brooklyn Grange" in Queens Crap today. How wonderful! It gives me hope... and makes me hunger for getting my hands dirty is rich, earthworm laden soil. It also brings back vivid memories of just how backbreaking weeding is!
Read more about their flourishing roof top garden here.

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